For decades, billionaires, lobbyists, and special interests have used their wealth to rig the system, drowning out the voices of everyday Americans. They buy influence, fund campaigns, and write laws that serve their profits while the rest of us are left behind. That ends now.
The Money Out of Politics (MOP) Movement is a veteran-led, non-partisan grassroots coalition fighting to remove corporate money from American politics and restore a government that serves the people.
We are not politicians. We are veterans, activists, and everyday Americans who refuse to accept corruption as the norm. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or stepping into it for the first time, you belong here.
On July 27, 2025, we’re organizing the March for Integrity—the largest anti-corruption march in U.S. history. Join us in Washington, D.C., or your state capital, alongside 2 million Americans demanding real reform.
We believe in a democracy where politicians work for their constituents—not the highest bidder. Our movement is focused on four key reforms to eliminate corporate influence in government:
No more direct or indirect financial incentives for politicians.
Politicians shouldn't profit from insider information.
Corporations are not people, and their money is not "free speech."
Permanently keep money out of our democracy.
Every day, Americans feel the consequences of a system designed to benefit the wealthy. We’re tired of politicians who promise change but stay loyal to their donors. That’s why we’re taking action.
While defense contractors rake in billions, many who served our country are left homeless and struggling.
Wealthy corporations receive massive tax breaks while wages stagnate and small businesses suffer
Drug prices remain sky-high while pharmaceutical companies fund political campaigns.
Every $1 spent on lobbying generates an average of $760 in government benefits for corporations. This isn’t democracy—it’s legalized bribery.
This movement is powered by you. Here’s how you can take action today:
Join two million fellow Americans and make history on July 27, 2025, in Washington, D.C., or your state capital.
Connect with others in your state on our official Discord server and help recruit supporters.
The Money Out of Politics (MOP) Movement is a veteran-led, non-partisan movement demanding an end to corruption in government by removing corporate money, PACs, and lobbyist influence from politics. We believe that Congress should serve the American people—not corporations, billionaires, or special interests.
Fill out the form below to stay up-to-date on the movement, March for Integrity, and more, or check out other ways to get involved.
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